Turning Red is an American computer-animated fantasy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Directed by Domee Shi, the film was written by Shi and Julia Cho, and produced by Lindsey Collins. The voice cast includes Rosalie Chiang, Sandra Oh, Ava Morse, Hyein Park, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Orion Lee, Wai Ching Ho, Tristan Allerick Chen, and James Hong.
Set in Toronto, Ontario, in 2002, the film follows Meilin "Mei" Lee, a 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian student who transforms into a giant red panda when she expresses strong emotions due to a hereditary curse. The story draws inspiration from director Domee Shi's own experiences growing up in Toronto.
Turning Red made its debut as the first Pixar film solely directed by a woman and the second to feature an Asian lead character after Up (2009). Special screenings took place in London and Toronto prior to the film's world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles. The movie was released on Disney+ and simultaneously hit select theaters, grossing $17.1 million worldwide.
The film received widespread critical acclaim and is now a beloved addition to Pixar's lineup of successful animated films.
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