
Takashi Ninja Warrior

Embark on an epic adventure as Takashi, a fearless ninja warrior, in medieval Japan. Master the art of stealth and combat as you take on corrupted forces to save your people. With hack n slash and RPG elements, experience intense sword fights, quests, and boss battles in a visually stunning game world. As Arashi, the legendary Japanese ninja assassin, prepare yourself for battle by honing your skills and upgrading your abilities. Engage in thrilling combat against hordes of enemies and face off against formidable bosses in an immersive fighting arena. Your quest will take you through treacherous landscapes and mysterious environments as you strive to become a legendary ninja samurai warrior. Will you rise to the challenge and emerge victorious, or will you fall to the corrupted forces threatening your land? The fate of Japan rests in your hands.

up arrow key down arrow key left arrow key right arrow key Punch Z Kick X Defance C Jump Space

