In a world where worms have taken over, humanity is on the brink of extinction. As the last hope for survival, you must take up arms to eradicate these underground invaders and reclaim your planet. With realistic physics and an arsenal of weapons at your disposal, you'll face off against hordes of wriggling worms in a desperate bid to save the Earth.
Play solo or team up with a friend in two-player mode as you strive to clear the worms from your gun-toting hero's field of vision. With every worm dispatched, you'll inch closer to restoring balance to the planet and ensuring its continued survival. The fate of the world rests in your hands – take aim and join the fight against these slimy foes!
Game controls P1 Fire - Mouse Left click Magazine - Right click mouse Space - Bomb Throw Q - Next bonus E or Mouse Scroll - Change weapon P2 Arrow keys - Aim P - Fire O - Magazine L - Change weapon K - Bomb Throw