In a world where chaos reigns supreme, an unlikely alliance of terrifying monsters - Slenderman, Huggy Wuggy, and Fredy - has been formed, seeking to wreak havoc on the world. These formidable foes have managed to hypnotize soldiers, eliminating all participants in the Squid Games. But hope still remains as three special forces experts, a team of small impostors, join forces to take down these monstrous menaces. With their expertise and determination, they aim to emerge victorious against overwhelming odds.
Your mission is to control these tiny heroes as they navigate increasingly challenging levels, each designed to test their combat, action, and shooting skills. Face off against three different monsters that will stop at nothing to eliminate you. In this high-stakes battle, strategy and resource management are key to survival.
Join the war between impostors and monsters in a thrilling experience that combines combat, action, and shooting gameplay. Can you lead these small but mighty heroes to victory against the forces of darkness?
Instructions Move yourself with the arrows of the keyboardChange hero by pressing CShoot with Z keySpecial Power X On mobile devices tap the game buttons