In this mystical realm, a noble princess invites you on an extraordinary journey through time. Aria, a curious adventurer from the 21st century, finds herself transported to the Middle Ages by a mysterious force. Initially uncertain, she soon becomes enchanted with her new surroundings and embarks on thrilling escapades throughout the land.
As she explores this breathtaking world, Aria arrives at an ancient castle that takes her breath away with its grandeur and majesty. With every door she opens, the possibilities unfold, leading to a tale of wonder and unforgettable experiences. Join us as we follow Aria's journey and discover the magic that awaits within these frozen walls.
Open the game and click PLAY to start Hurrah Now you are the lucky girl Aria You ve traveled all the way through and finally come to this mysterious castle Who would you like to meet the most We guess it s the princess right There she is and she