Embark on a nostalgic adventure through the Big NEON Tower, inspired by 90s arcades! This challenging level is divided into large single-screen sections, each meticulously designed with precision-crafted obstacles. To succeed, you'll need patience and skill to navigate the maze-like tower.
Precision is key - every movement counts in this visually stunning experience. And when you're ready to share your thoughts and strategies with fellow players, join our Discord community at
Troubleshooting tips:
* If the game seems choppy or runs low on frames, toggle the PERFORMANCE button in options for a smoother experience.
* If the view is too zoomed out, adjust the ZOOM setting to get up close and personal with your player.
* Having trouble starting the game? Simply highlight the start button using A/D (keyboard) or Joystick and A button (controller), then press space or click Start. On mobile, just tap the start button.
Menu UI A W or Arrow Keys to move space to select Click or touch UI on mobile Keyboard Move with Arrow Keys or A D Jump Space Bar or Up Arrow or Z or W Y to restart at last checkpoint ESC for Menu Controller