In a desperate bid to defend humanity against an interdimensional invasion, you've been entrusted with leading a team of two elite soldiers into epic battles against hordes of monstrous and savage creatures. These malevolent forces have emerged from another world, hell-bent on killing and destroying everything in their path.
As the last hope for your country's survival, you must use strategic prowess to command your team to victory. You'll have access to a vast arsenal of weapons, including guns, machine guns, bazookas, rifles, sniper rifles, kalashnikovs, flame throwers, rocket launchers, heavy weapons, shotguns, and more.
Each weapon has unique characteristics, and it's up to you to wield them wisely against the enemy. You must carefully manage your resources and tactics to prevent the invaders from breaching your defenses and bringing about the end of human civilization as we know it. The fate of the earth rests in your hands – can you lead your team to ultimate victory?
Choose a weapon and play wisely to defeat the enemy Make sure the enemies don t get past your defense or it will be the end of life on earth