Anime, also referred to as Japanimation, is a style of animation originating from Japan that combines traditional hand-drawn techniques with computer-generated imagery. The term "anime" is derived from the English word "animation," but in Japan, it refers to all forms of animated media. Outside of Japan, anime typically refers specifically to Japanese-produced animation or animation influenced by Japanese styles, characterized by vibrant colors, fantastical themes, and memorable characters.
The earliest commercial anime dates back to 1917, but a distinct art style emerged in the 1960s with the works of Osamu Tezuka. This style spread globally throughout the second half of the 20th century, attracting a large international audience. Anime can be distributed through various channels, including theatrical releases, television broadcasts, home media, and online platforms.
Anime often adapts popular Japanese comics (manga), light novels, or video games into animated form. Over time, production methods have evolved in response to technological advancements. As a multimedia art form, anime combines graphic art, characterization, cinematography, and other creative techniques to tell engaging stories.
In contrast to traditional Western animation, anime focuses more on realistic settings and camera effects like panning, zooming, and angle shots rather than solely animating movement. This allows for greater emphasis on storytelling and character development. Anime also features diverse art styles, with varying proportions and features of characters, including the characteristic large or realistically sized emotive eyes.
Anime is categorized into numerous genres, targeting both broad and niche audiences. From action-packed adventures to romantic comedies, anime's versatility has made it a beloved global entertainment medium.
Another word that has arisen describing fans in the United States is wapanese meaning White individuals who desire to be Japanese or later known as weeaboo for individuals who demonstrate a strong interest in Japanese anime subculture which is a term t